In some word
forms, an /h/ sound is inserted between the stem and the vowel ending. This is called an intrusive
"H" in English. An intrusive "H" is a unique feature that
do not exist in modern standard Finnish, and can be found in these several predictable
Illative Singular
In modern standard Finnish, illative is formed in almost
the same manner as Kven. Look carefully and see how -h- is inserted before
vowel combination after the stem. We will touch on illataive case in future lessons.
1. If the grade +0 stem ends in a single vowel, double
the same vowel (marked as V) and add an -n.
Word in Finnish and Kven |
Stem |
Illative in Finnish |
Illative in Kven |
Suomi |
Suome- |
Suomeen |
Suomheen |
kirja |
kirja- |
kirjaan |
kirjhaan |
osa |
osa- |
osaan |
oshaan |
pankki |
pankki- |
pankkiin |
pankkhiin |
pieni |
piene- |
pieneen |
pienheen |
2. For words ending in -i group B (most words ending in -li, -ni,
and -si),
grade +1 (strong) is used for the stem.
Word in Finnish and Kven |
Stem |
Illative in Finnish |
Illative in Kven |
uusi |
uute- |
uuteen |
uutheen |
vuosi |
vuote- |
vuoteen |
vuotheen |
vesi |
vete- |
veteen |
vetheen |
käsi |
käte- |
käteen |
kätheen |
3. For other word endings:
Ending |
Word in Finnish and Kven |
Stem in Kven and Finnish |
Illative in Finnish |
Illative in Kven |
-io |
valtio |
valtio- |
valtioon |
valtihoon |
-ia or -iä |
itaalia (Finnish only) italia (Kven only) |
itaalia- (Finnish only) italia (Kven only) |
italiaan |
italihaan |
-eo |
museo (rare in
Kven, usually museuumi) video |
museo- video- |
museoon videoon |
musehoon videhoon |
-ea |
vaikea (Finnish only) kafea (Kven only) |
vaikea (Finnish only) kafea- (Kven only) |
vaikeaan |
kafehaan |
-ue or -ye |
ohut (rare in Kven) lyhyt (rare in Kven) |
ohue- lyhye- |
ohueen lyhyeen |
ohuheen (rare in Kven) lyhyheen (rare in Kven) |
3rd infinitive in illative
Use the third person singular present stem +
• Mene syömhään. (Go to eat!)
• Lähđen hihtaamhaan vaarhaan. (I am going to ski
in the mountain.)
• Kirjat tulhaan olemhaan tärkkeet. (The books
will be important.)
Declension of nominals
ending in -et, -as, and in very rare
cases -is
- tarpheet (need: nominative pl.)
kuningas -
kuninkhaassa (king: inessive sg.)
ruvis - rukhiit (rye: nominative pl.)
Words that are derived from adjective
vapaa - vaphaus (free - freedom)
oikkee - oikheus (right - right)
rakastaat - rakkhaus (to love - affection)
rikas + rikkhaus (rich - wealth)
Declensions of "vapaa"
Nominative |
Adessive sg. |
Meaning |
vapaa |
vaphaala |
free |
Some derived adverbs, prepositions, or
oikhein (right), oikheestaan (actually), oikheestansa
(theoratically), jälkheen/jälkhiin (after), and
melkhein (almost).
Derived nominals with the suffix -hinen
alhainen (low or low in number), eriskumhainen
(peculiar), jokhainen (every or every one), maanalhainen (underground),
munhainen (kidney), melkheinen (considerable), kaukhainen (far), pitkäaikhainen
(long-time), salhainen (secret), and varhainen (early).
Passive or verb form in third person plural
-thaan/-thään (present)
-thiin (imperfect)